Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 07:30 to 17:45 hrs
We provide everything your child needs so that drop offs are made easy and your child feels at home as possible when with us, this includes:
Nappies, nappy creams, suncreams, healthy snacks, healthy meals and not forgetting our extracurricular classes.
Annual Holidays: We are open every day excluding weekends, bank holidays and the week between Christmas and New Year. We do not charge for these dates.
Registration Fee: A £75.00 non-refundable registration fee is payable for each child when signing up to Yellow Star.
Late Collection: After 17:45pm parents will be charged £5.00 per 10 minutes that each child remains in our care.
Funding: We offer 15hrs funding to eligible working parents with 2 year olds.
We also offer the universal 15hrs funding which is available for all children aged 3-5years old. This starts the term after your childs third birthday. In addition to this, we also offer the 30hrs funding for eligible parents. Please enquire with the nursery for any further questions.